In July, we merged 33 PRs! 🎉

On the side of the frontend, Nadrieril and I worked at making hax handling of binders (e.g. 'a in for<'a> &'a T: PartialEq<i32>) and traits better. This is not finished yet, but we made great progress. Our goal is to make the frontend work on every valid Rust code.

In the engine, thanks to paulmure, we now are able to process unsafe blocks. Thanks to maximebuyse, the engine can now rewrite more return expressions: we are now planning on supporting return inside loops, along with break and continue.

We’ve been improving F* support and F* libraries. Importantly, cmester0 is working on a model of core, in Rust: we aim at replacing our hand-crafted F* model of core by an hax extraction of this new core model implemented in Rust. We will also be able to extract this model of core in every of our backends, enabling a uniform and pain-free core multi-backend library.

Merged Pull Requests
