val pp :
Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter ->
t ->
val show : t -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
include Ppx_compare_lib.Comparable.S with type t := t
val compare : t Base__Ppx_compare_lib.compare
val display : t -> string
val of_thir : Types.span -> t
Imports a THIR span as a hax span
val to_thir : t -> Types.span list
Exports a hax span to THIR spans (a hax span might be a collection of spans)
val dummy : unit -> t
Generates a dummy span: this should be avoided at all cost.
val id_of : t -> int
Lookup the internal unique identifier of a span.
Replaces the internal identifier by a fresh one. This can be useful for debugging.
val default : t
A default span can be useful when a span is required in some computation that never reports error and when we know the span will go away. Using this should be avoided.
val with_owner_hint : Types.def_id -> (unit -> 't) -> 't
Inserts a hint about the fact that, in function `f`, we're translating spans that are "owned" by an item `owner`. This should be used only in `import_thir`, also, the hint shall be used only to enhance user reporting, not for any logic within the engine.
val owner_hint : t -> Types.def_id option
Looks up the owner hint for a span. This should be used for user reports only.