Data invariants

In the two previous chapters we saw how to write specifications on functions, be it with pre and post-condition or with lemmas. In this chapter, we will see how to maintain invariants with precise types.

Making illegal states unpresentable

With the Barrett example, we were working on a certain field, whose elements were represented as i32 integers. To simplify, let's consider F₃, the finite field with 3 elements (say 0, 1 and 2). Every element of F3 can be represented as a i32 integers, but the converse doesn't hold: the vast majority of i32 integers are not in of F₃.

Representing F₃ as i32s, every time we define a function consuming F₃ elements, we face the risk to consume illegal elements. We are thus back to chapter 4.1: we should panic on illegal elements, and add hax pre-conditions on every single function. That's not ideal: the property of being either 0, 1 or 2 should be encoded directly on the type representing F₃ elements.

enums to then rescue

Rust alone already can solve our representation issues with enums! Below, we define the enum type F3 which has only three constructor: F3 represent exactly the elements of F₃, not more, not less.


With F3, there doesn't exist illegal values at all: we can now define total functions on F₃ elements. We dropped altogether a source of panic!

Soon you want to work with a bigger finite field: say F₂₃₄₇. Representing this many q different elements with an Rust enum would be very painful... The enum approach falls apart.

Newtype and refinements

Since we don't want an enum with 2347 elements, we have to revert to a type that can hold this many elements. The smallest integer type large enough provided by Rust is u16.

Let's define F a "newtype": a struct with one u16 field v. Notice the refinment annotation on v: the extraction of this type F via hax will result in a type enforcing v small enough.


In Rust, we can now define functions that operates on type F, assuming they are in bounds with respect to F₂₃₄₇: every such assumption will be checked and enforced by the proof assistant. As an example, below is the implementation of the addition for type F.


Here, F* is able to prove automatically that (1) the addition doesn't overflow and (2) that the invariant of F is preserved. The definition of type F in F* (named t_F) very explicitly requires the invariant as a refinement on v.