Panic freedom

Let's start with a simple example: a function that squares a u8 integer. To extract this function to F* using hax, we simply need to run the command cargo hax into fstar in the directory of the crate in which the function square is defined.

Note: throughout this tutorial, you can edit the snippets of code and extract to F* by clicking the play button ( ), or even typecheck it with the button ( ).


Though, if we try to verify this function, F* is complaining about a subtyping issue: F* tells us that it is not able to prove that the result of the multiplication x * x fits the range of u8. The multiplication x * x might indeed be overflowing!

For instance, running square(16) panics: 16 * 16 is 256, which is just over 255, the largest integer that fits u8. Rust does not ensure that functions are total: a function might panic at any point, or might never terminate.

Rust and panicking code

Quoting the chapter To panic! or Not to panic! from the Rust book:

The panic! macro signals that your program is in a state it can't handle and lets you tell the process to stop instead of trying to proceed with invalid or incorrect values.

A Rust program should panics only in a situation where an assumption or an invariant is broken: a panics models an invalid state. Formal verification is about proving such invalid state cannot occur, at all.

From this observation emerges the urge of proving Rust programs to be panic-free!

Fixing our squaring function

Let's come back to our example. There is an informal assumption to the multiplication operator in Rust: the inputs should be small enough so that the addition doesn't overflow.

Note that Rust also provides wrapping_mul, a non-panicking variant of the multiplication on u8 that wraps when the result is bigger than 255. Replacing the common multiplication with wrapping_mul in square would fix the panic, but then, square(256) returns zero. Semantically, this is not what one would expect from square.

Our problem is that our function square is well-defined only when its input is within 0 and 15.

Solution A: reflect the partialness of the function in Rust

A first solution is to make square return an Option<u8> instead of a u8:


Here, F* is able to prove panic-freedom: calling square with any input is safe. Though, one may argue that square's input being small enough should really be an assumption. Having to deal with the possible integer overflowing whenever squaring is a huge burden. Can we do better?

Solution B: add a precondition

The type system of Rust doesn't allow the programmer to formalize the assumption that square expects a small u8. This becomes possible using hax: one can annotate a function with a pre-condition on its inputs.

The pre-conditions and post-conditions on a function form a contract: "if you give me some inputs that satisfies a given formula (the precondition), I will produce a return value that satisfy another formula (the postcondition)". Outside this contracts, anything might happen: the function might panic, might run forever, erase your disk, or anything.

The helper crate hax-lib provdes the requires proc-macro which lets user writting pre-conditions directly in Rust.


With this precondition, F* is able to prove panic freedom. From now on, it is the responsibility of the clients of square to respect the contact. The next step is thus be to verify, through hax extraction, that square is used correctly at every call site.

Common panicking situations

Multiplication is not the only panicking function provided by the Rust library: most of the other integer arithmetic operation have such informal assumptions.

Another source of panics is indexing. Indexing in an array, a slice or a vector is a partial operation: the index might be out of range.

In the example folder of hax, you can find the chacha20 example that makes use of pre-conditions to prove panic freedom.

Another solution for safe indexing is to use the newtype index pattern, which is also supported by hax. The data invariants chapter gives more details about this.