Proving properties
In the last chapter, we proved one property on the square
panic freedom. After adding a precondition, the signature of the
function was x:u8 -> Pure u8 (requires x <. 16uy) (ensures fun _ -> True)
This contract stipulates that, given a small input, the function will
return a value: it will not panic or diverge. We could enrich the
contract of square
with a post-condition about the fact it is a
increasing function:
Such a simple post-condition is automatically proven by F*. The
properties of our square
function are not fascinating. Let's study a
more interesting example: Barrett reduction.
A concrete example of contract: Barrett reduction
While the correctness of square
is obvious, the Barrett reduction is
Given value
a field element (a i32
whose absolute value is at most
), the function barrett_reduce
defined below computes
such that:
result ≡ value (mod FIELD_MODULUS)
;- the absolute value of
is bound as follows:|result| < FIELD_MODULUS
It is easy to write this contract directly as hax::requires
annotations, as shown in the snippet below.
Before returning, a lemma may have to be called in F* to prove the correctness
of the reduction.
The lemma is Math.Lemmas.cancel_mul_mod (v quotient) 3329;
, which establishes
that (quotient * 3329) % 3329
is zero.
With the help of that one lemma, F* is able to prove the
reduction computes the expected result.
(We may expose lemmas like this to call from Rust directly in future.)
This Barrett reduction examples is taken from libcrux's proof of Kyber which is using hax and F*.
This example showcases an intrinsic proof: the function
not only computes a value, but it also ship a proof
that the post-condition holds. The pre-condition and post-condition
gives the function a formal specification, which is useful both for
further formal verification and for documentation purposes.
Extrinsic properties with lemmas
Consider the encrypt
and decrypt
functions below. Those functions
have no precondition, don't have particularly interesting properties
individually. However, the composition of the two yields an useful
property: encrypting a ciphertext and decrypting the result with a
same key produces the ciphertext again. |c| decrypt(c, key)
is the
inverse of |p| encrypt(p, key)
In this situation, adding a pre- or a post-condition to either
or decrypt
is not useful: we want to state our inverse
property about both of them. Better, we want this property to be
stated directly in Rust: just as with pre and post-conditions, the
Rust souces should clearly state what is to be proven.
To this end, Hax provides a macro lemma
. Below, the Rust function
takes a key and a plaintext, and then
states the inverse property. The body is empty: the details of the
proof itself are not relevant, at this stage, we only care about the
statement. The proof will be completed manually in the proof