
Macros and attributes

The hax engine understands only one attribute: #[_hax::json(PAYLOAD)], where PAYLOAD is a JSON serialization of the Rust enum hax_lib_macros_types::AttrPayload.

Note #[_hax::json(PAYLOAD)] is a tool attribute: an attribute that is never expanded.

In the engine, the OCaml module Attr_payloads offers an API to query attributes easily. The types in crate hax_lib_macros_types and corresponding serializers/deserializers are automatically generated in OCaml, thus there is no manual parsing involved.

User experience

Asking the user to type #[_hax::json(some_long_json)] is not very friendly. Thus, the crate hax-lib-macros defines a bunch of proc macros that defines nice and simple-to-use macros. Those macro take care of cooking some hax_lib_macros_types::AttrPayload payload(s), then serialize those payloads to JSON and produce one or more #[_hax::json(serialized_payload)] attributes.