
Hax is a software pipeline designed to transform Rust code into various formal verification backends such as F*, Coq, ProVerif, and EasyCrypt. It comprises two main components:

  1. The Frontend (written in Rust)
  2. The Engine (written in OCaml)

The frontend hooks into the Rust compiler, producing a abstract syntax tree for a given crate. The engine then takes this AST in input, applies various transformation, to reach in the end the language of the backend: F*, Coq...

The Frontend (Rust)

The frontend is responsible for extracting and exporting Rust code's abstract syntax trees (ASTs) in a format suitable for processing by the engine (or by other tools).

hax-frontend-exporter Library

This library mirrors the internal types of the Rust compiler (rustc) that constitute the HIR (High-Level Intermediate Representation), THIR (Typed High-Level Intermediate Representation), and MIR (Mid-Level Intermediate Representation) ASTs. It extends them with additional information such as attributes, trait implementations, and removes ID indirections.

SInto Trait: The library defines an entry point for translating a given rustc value to its mirrored hax version using the SInto trait (stateful into). For a value x of type T from rustc, if T is mirrored by hax, then x.sinto(s) produces an augmented and simplified "hax-ified" AST for x. Here, s represents the state holding information about the translation process.

hax-driver Binary

hax-driver is a custom Rust compiler driver that behaves like rustc but performs additional tasks:

  1. Item Enumeration: Lists all items in a crate.
  2. AST Transformation: Applies sinto on each item to generate the hax-ified AST.
  3. Output Generation: Outputs the mirrored items into a haxmeta file within the target directory.

cargo-hax Binary

cargo-hax provides a hax subcommand for Cargo, accessible via cargo hax --help. It serves as the command-line interface for hax, orchestrating both the frontend and the engine.


  1. Custom Build Execution: Runs cargo build, instructing Cargo to use hax-driver instead of rustc.
  2. Multiple Compiler Invocations: cargo build invokes hax-driver multiple times with various options.
  3. Inter-Process Communication: hax-driver communicates with cargo-hax via stderr using JSON lines.
  4. Metadata Generation: Produces haxmeta files containing the transformed ASTs.
  5. Engine Invocation (Optional): If requested, runs the engine, passing options and haxmeta information via stdin serialized as JSON.
  6. Interactive Communication: Engages in interactive communication with the engine.
  7. User Reporting: Outputs results and diagnostics to the user.

The Engine (OCaml - documentation)

The engine processes the transformed ASTs and options provided via JSON input from stdin. It performs several key functions to convert the hax-ified Rust code into the target backend language.

Importing and Simplifying ASTs

  • AST Importation: Imports the hax-ified Rust THIR AST. This is module Import_thir.
  • Internal AST Conversion: Converts the imported AST into a simplified and opinionated internal AST designed for ease of transformation and analysis. This is mostly the functor Ast.Make.

Internal AST and Features

The internal AST is defined using a functor that takes a list of type-level booleans, referred to as features, and produces the AST types accordingly.

Features are for instances, mutation, loops, unsafe code. The enumeration Features.Enumeration lists all those features.

Feature Witnesses: On relevant AST nodes, feature witnesses are included to enforce constraints at the type level. For example, in the loop expression constructor, a witness of type F.loop is used, where F represents the current feature set. If F.loop is an empty type, constructing a loop expression is prohibited, ensuring that loops are disallowed in contexts where they are not supported.

Transformation Phases

The engine executes a sequence of phases, which are determined based on the target backend. Each phase:

  1. Input: Takes a list of items from an AST with specific feature constraints.
  2. Output: Transforms these items into a new AST type, potentially enabling or disabling features through type-level changes.

The phases can be found in the Phases module.

Backend Code Generation

After completing the transformation phases:

  1. Backend Printer Invocation: Calls the printer associated with the selected backend to generate the target code.
  2. File Map Creation: Produces a map from file names to their contents, representing the generated code.
  3. Output Serialization: Outputs the file map and additional information (e.g., errors) as JSON to stderr.

Communication Protocol

The engine communicates asynchronously with the frontend using a protocol defined in hax_types::engine_api::protocol. This communication includes:

  • Diagnostic Data: Sending error messages, warnings, and other diagnostics.
  • Profiling Information: Providing performance metrics and profiling data.
  • Pretty-Printing Requests: Requesting formatted versions of Rust source code or diagnostics for better readability.